I apologize to
Savannah for not doing this sooner!!! Life is slowing down but it's still spinning pretty fast!! :-/
Ok, here we go.
- Thank the person who tagged you and link their post that tagged you.
- Put the tag created in your post and include the link to this post.
- Copy, paste, and answer all of the questions into your post.
- Tag as many people as you wish.
- Have fun!
- What genre(s) do you like to write in?
- Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what artists/albums do you enjoy?
- How do you name characters?
- Do you like to snack on or drink anything while writing? If so, what?
- What inspires you to write?
- Where and when do you prefer to write?
- Do you read any books or blogs on the writing craft? If so, what are your favorites?
Ok, questions!!!
- What genre(s) do you like to write in?
Well, I really love to read Historical Fiction and so I think that's what I'm drawn to when I write but I also like to write in modern day and fantasy.
- Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what artists/albums do you enjoy?
I don't really listen to music and write but I'm sure if I did, I'd listen to Disney Movie songs.....;-)
- How do you name characters?
Well........;-P I usually just 'nick name' them (ex. "Bob went and looked at Bill") and then start flipping through my name book or just scroll through the list of names in my head and try to 'fit' a name with that character.
- Do you like to snack on or drink anything while writing? If so, what?
I think you all know that I really like to eat, so I just have to laugh when I read this question. ;-) I really like to eat apples, I'd eat a strawberry and banana smoothie, carrot sticks, and ice cream cone, a popsicle, a lollipop, watermelon, candy, hot chocolate, anything else you'd give me........except veggies. ;-P I do also like drinking water. :-)
- What inspires you to write?
Everything. Literally, everything. I mean, logs, breezes, refrigerator smells, certain words, movies, stories, experiences, pictures, tape, computers, nursery rhymes, music.......and the list goes on forever.
- Where and when do you prefer to write?
I don't really care. I do like to write outside but inside is fine too. Not really picky.
- Do you read any books or blogs on the writing craft? If so, what are your favorites?
I don't read any books on writing, but I do really enjoy reading these blogs:
I also love to read Savannah, Ariel, Skylar, and Jaidyn Perran's blogs (Their stories are GREAT!) but their blogs are private so I can't link to them :-( If you are interested in reading their stories you can ask them in the comment box below!!
I'm opening this opportunity to anyone so anyone who would like to answer these questions, feel free!!! You can just follow the rules ^^ and have fun!! If you would put a link to your post in the comment box below, that would be awesome! I'd love to see your post!!
Have a great week, guys!!