Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Life :-)

Shakespeare on the green, 
Practicing for my recital......🎼
Finishing these two great books!!! 👍🏻
Playing around with this awesome typewriter...(Bonus points if you can read what I wrote! 😉☺️😝) 
A little math never hurt anyone....(or maybe it did....😒)
Anyone agree with me?? 😉 
I'm having an awesome summer, what about you guys?? 


  1. I am too! And I definitely agree with you on Math. ;)
    And I can't read what you typed, sorry. It's too small.

  2. Oh my word, that picture!! #LoveIt I TOTALLY agree. Let's just say that math and I are not BFFs. :-)
    You have a typewriter?!?! That is so cool!! :-) Yeah, I'm with Hanna on this one. The words are too small for me to read. I even tried to make the picture bigger, but that didn't work either. *Sigh* (Could it by any chance be a story??? Just a wild guess.) :-)
    I'm looking forward to hearing you perform in your recital, Ellen!! :-)


  3. Ellen,
    I loved your post of everything Ellen. Loved the eclectic combination of pictures. Love you. Grandma E.
