Sunday, April 30, 2017

Destination: Nationals

As most of you know, I love to write.  They are sort of bad, inconsistent, and weird stories, but I love to write.  I have recently been working on a story I call Destination: Nationals, My NCFCA Diary (my thoughts about speech and debate tournaments).  It's more me fuming about my frustrations, rounds, and interactions; it's just a way for me to get my words out.  I never even dreamed about qualifying for Nationals until I was a senior, three years in the future.  I wanted this book to be about perseverance, sticking with competition and finally, some rewards.  Nationals was one of my "what you want to be when you grow up" goals.  It was on my bucket list, one of my life dreams, and something I would always strive for.  Well, ladies and gentleman, I qualified for the NCFCA National Championship yesterday at the Regional tournament.  I still can't believe it.  I was so overwhelmed at the time, I started crying.  I honestly don't remember much about what happened.  I was so thankful.  Thankful for God's grace and the opportunities He has blessed me with, my family and the endless support and love they've given to me, and my speech coach and all of the times she's worked with me.  I am pumped for NATS and can't WAIT to compete!!!
These kids.  So talented, so skilled, so awesome.
My fellow Open Interpers who also qualified for Nationals
My club.  These kids are so talented and it's truly an honor to be an Omaha Knight.  Congratulations to all of you!!!  

Nationals is June 11-17 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Join me in rooting for Region V!!!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

LTC and Orchestra Concert pictures

So, as most of you know, every year around Easter our family goes to Kansas City to a convention called Leadership Training for Christ.  We are involved in activities that we have been practicing for a semester and then we perform them at the convention.  Activities are things like song leading, Bible reading, sermon, speech, puppets, choruses, Bible quiz, powerpoint, Bible bowl, sign language, art, drama, ect.  This was also my sister Hannah's last year to participate, as it is for 3-12th graders.  It was a blast!!!
You get a bag with your name on it, including T-shirts, snacks, name tags, and schedules in the bags
Bible Quiz
Small Chorus
Large Chorus
This was my puppet team

Orchestra concert!!! 
(It was SUPER hot this year in that church where we performed.  Like, I was sweating the WHOLE time.  Hopefully next time it will be cooler!!!)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

What Have I Been Doing?

Holding Babies
Speech and Debating
Eating Ice Cream sandwiches
Speaking and Debating
Visiting horses
Speech and Debate Tournaments
Enjoying this BEAUTIFUL quilt from one of Grandma's friends
Recovering from Speech and Debate tournaments
And fan-girling about this NEW AWESOME MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Did I mention I have one more Speech and Debate tournament in KC that happens to be two weeks from today?!?!  And LTC will be this weekend, also our orchestra concert!! 😳 #life

Have a great week, y'all!!!!